
All posts for the month September, 2018

So the Stock realm had a vote in the forums 7-2 to reset. So after 4 and half years of slaughtering innocent mobs and raining terror upon the friendly city Silvermere, the realm will be reset! But wait there is more after 2 years we are gonna reset the mudrev realm! Yep two resets in one!

So on November 17th I will be taking the board and wiping all the hard work invested in those realms and make it like it never happened. But now you all have a chance to get your hands on my precious emerald-tipped crozier! So if you never played before come check us out we are a weird bunch but we will grow on you. If you old friend come back and see what you forgot about when you let real life take control.

For Stock reset I will be disabling alignment for the first month, and not handing out GJR’s. I’m debating on disabling @retrain also but lets see if you guys can talk me out of it. For those that had reached lvl 45 pre announcement will have the level reduced for 3rd toon and sys go’s. I will be lowering that restriction to lvl 40, to say thank you for playing and being part of the family.

Mudrev info is still yet to be determined, wait to hear from Sly(Brad) for more info on that in the coming weeks.