Somethings I did forget to mention with Thay 3 release, I got excited it was released and forgot these two points.
First I have have expanded the portal room in Lost city. Now it supports Ten Towns, Thultanthar, and Amlambar. They require you to have been to the city and bought a token. Each token is a one time use. So stack them up. They are loyal so will stay with you when you die.
Second point is Patreon. I have recently started a Patreon page, for subscriptions. There is no way I can charge for subs to a BBS these days, no matter how good it is. So if you feel the work that I do is worth a buck or more a month, stop by the page and subscribe to a tier. If you sub for a buck a month you get access to extra post about content I am working on ie. spoilers. If you do 5 a month, you get a cool “Pimp” class title. And access to the spoilers. This is a way to show your love to the board, and help the parts and weed fund grow. There is a link in the right side bar to it. Click it you know you want to.
Also will release a new MME next weekend, you guys have hit Thay hard and found most the secrets to be found already.