So had a few things that need tweaking like descriptions and item type on the collectible update. I also notice scripting an area with these items you collect them pretty fast. So I increased all the turn in amounts to 20 and see how that goes. I was hoping that a couple days you have only a couple turn in’s at the higher levels. I might lower the lower levels ones some to help with early money.
I also added a new priest spell, it was something I thought about while watching some Dr. Who. Light burst, it gives you a brief amount of light in the room. And added a new kai power.
light burst: priest
Lvl: 40 (priest 2:60)
Mana: 15
Target: Room
Dur: 4 rnds
First 2 rnds +200 RoomIllu, SeeHidden
Second 2 rnds +100 RoomIllu
way of the elephant: mystic
Lvl: 60
Kai: 4
Dur: 60
5-6 MaxDamage and Crits, -5 Dodge