
So I have updated the server with a new expansion, it’s actually part 1 of 2. It got so big I have to break it in half and give you the first half to learn it.

So I tried to tune it to lvl 60’s kinda of a struggle for a solo 60, but a pair should do ok. It’s in a far off land to the west, it’s a newly discovered land with ancient monsters not seen for thousands of years. Strange people, magics are yours to discover!

Ok enough of the of that lets get to the brass tacks. This is a new area that is found by jumping on the boat from the pier in Aqurious. There is a 2 runic tax to get into the boathouse(cost of the ticket). Then just “buy ticket” at the counter. This will put you in a waiting room for the rest of your party. Once your boat is loaded for everyone going on the trip 1 PERSON does “use ticket” and it will put you on the boat to the new area. The boat is a 10 min journey, there is no way around this. Enjoy the ride. There is only 3 boats so make sure it’s full before you go. Or else someone gonna be waiting for awhile.

Found in this new area, is several monsters that have been in the dats but never used. We going prehistoric in this bitch. It’s a jungle full of dino’s so watch it! Of course there is a maze in the middle of it so don’t get lost. We got 2 big boys that do wander the area so watch out. Also there is a bank there cause you will need to take some cash with you.

I’m tired and will post the new item’s and mob’s tomorrow but if you can’t wait the MME has been updated. Of course the map part is blocked out till it’s explored.

So been working on a cool new area, and it’s a good size, so far we are at 1189 rooms! So there is plenty enough room for scripting, there is 7 new area’s that can be scripted. Everything has been built except items, not sure what you guys are in need of in the lvl 60 range. Lvl 50 range you got a ton of new items. So I need to hear from you what is needed in that range, this area will probably be doable at lvl 55, but 60 easily. Scripting solo by 70.

So holler at me in game, send me a tele(I read dumbass’s tele’s all day long) or hell an email. But tell me what I should add in this update. I like to wrap this up and put in the update this next weekend.

Around noon (PST) tomorrow I will be opening up a new BradsMud (tweaked mudrev) realm.  You will find it under R from main menu and games menu.  It is Brad’s edited mudrev realm.  I have reset the realm and will be a fresh start.  So come check it out.  It will be same rules as the rest of the realms, 2 accounts till you reach a certain level.  I will post that tomorrow when I post that it’s open.

I will also be moving the server back to its new/old home on my server.  I got it shipped here finally and got it all reinstalled and running on fresh os’s.

So tomorrow I plan to run a turkey day mob hunt.  For the new people what a mob hunt is, I will make a special item that can only be gotten during a mob hunt.  I will take 4 mobs and add this special item to it, make it 100% drop.  Now these mobs can range from the cave bear to the dark mage.  So everyone has a chance to get them.  Now the only one rule I ask that if you find one you stop hunting and let others get a chance.  Then of course if it’s getting late and people had a chance rump away.

Now this mob hunt item is called cornucopia.  It will have only 5 uses for the life time of the item.  And on use it will grant you massive healing powers.  It will give you 20-30 hps per rnd and double your resting rate, for 20 rnds.  Remember this will only have 5 uses period they don’t recharge, so use them wisely.

The Server has been moved as of last night, so IP has been changed. So you need to flush your DNS to reconnect, or find the IP on the facebook group.
I’m not gonna post my public IP on the website for the whole world to view. But I did post it on FB mud group, fewer dumbass’s see it there so less likely to be messed with.

Just a little FYI Bear’s BBS will be up and down today getting the box it’s on ready to be shipped to me. So at some point today the IP will change to a new (temp) IP at some point. So if you use that too connect be aware tonight you will loose the abil to connect. You can use the domain to connect it will be updated.

Once again the board will be up and down all day so be prepared to see the shutdown warning…altho I will ask each time.

A little background on what’s going on. The server been having lots of power issues lately and the UPS batteries died last year. The cause of this power issue is the place it’s plugged into is very loose and they keep bumping it. So fed up with these issues I having the whole server packed up and sent to me, it’s currently in Minnesota at a friend’s house. We built it together years ago for minecraft, it was built to run a virtual multi server minecraft network, and it’s a monster of a machine with dual xeons running 48 gigs of ram. Well I gave up minecraft 5 years ago him 7, so now it just sits there running 1 vm for this board.

So today I am prepping the box to be shipped to me and transferring the VM to another server till it’s gets here and I rebuild the whole box.

So I have made ion stones to increase your stats. Well doing this whole time thinking adding to your stats would actually increased the things depended on them. Well I was wrong! Web is the only one who has gotten them so far and finally did some testing with them and found they don’t do anything but make your stat pretty. So I went thru and added the stuff you would get if you were to raise those stats. Remember this is actually what you get when you train, minus thievery,traps,picklocks, and tracking, the SC is also different it’s been avg out over the classes.

What you get from ion stones:
Strength: 5% Encumberance, +1 Damage
Agility: +2 A/C, +1 Accuracy, +2 Stealth
Intellect: +1 Critical Hit, +6 Perception, +1 Stealth, +2 M/R, +3 S/C
Willpower: +2 Perception, +7 M/R, +3 S/C
Health: +4 Hit Points (per lvl)
Charm: +1 Perception, +2 Stealth, +4 S/C, +1 Critical Hit, +1 Accuracy, +1 Dodge

What you get when you train:
Ability: For every 10 pts added:

Strength: 480 Encumberance, +1 Damage
Agility: +2.5 A/C*, +1 Accuracy, +2.5 Stealth
Intellect: +1 Critical Hit, +6 Perception, +1 Stealth, +1.5 Thievery, +2 Traps, +3 Picklocks, +2 Tracking, +2 M/R, +5 S/C (Mage), +3.5 S/C (Druid), +1.6 S/C (Priest)
Willpower: +2 Perception, +1 Tracking, +7 M/R, +2 S/C (Mage), +3.5 S/C (Druid), +5 S/C (Priest),+2 S/C (Bard)
Health: +4 Hit Points
Charm: +1 Perception, +2.5 Stealth, +1.5 Thievery, +3 Traps, +1 Tracking, +5 S/C (Bard), +1 Critical Hit, +1.2 Accuracy, +1 Dodge

So I had to explain how to train past 65 so many times. And normally point to the post on then end up telling them how to do it anyhow to make it easier to understand. So yesterday I decided to build a list of the trainers. And how to get to the hard or edited ones. So it can be found in the menu under newbie guide, or you can find it at the bottom of the first page of the newbie guide. So go have a look, might as well cause any questions on trainer will be pointed to that page.

Click me! Might as well cause you will in the end. Just DO it NOW!

So for those that haven’t heard we lost internet last night to the box. The cable modem just kept recycling, and so last night we hoped it was just a bad internet connection. Well got up this morn and the modem was still just cycling. So now we have a message to the cable company, waiting to hear if the line is down or not. If it’s not the line we will get a new modem tonight.

So if everything goes right we will have internet back and get our fix on. Sucks had to be my one day off a week and I get this handed to me.