
Ok finished the second part of Chult. I have added a level 70 quest that gives you 100 mil exp and a cool trinket per your class. And of course it’s a realm runner and require you to kill Jeffery(massive sand worm) per player, so enjoy that. It also includes new armour and a weapon for witchhunters at level 70. Gives some decent bonuses and actually has an on use for when you complete the set.

Not gonna list out all the new items but will list a couple a few things.

multifaceted diamond:
Loyal: 1
Mana: 100
Mana Rgn: 20
Max Spell Dmg: 5

multifaceted ruby:
Loyal: 1
Max Dmg: 3
Dodge: 10
HP: 100
Level: 70

multifaceted emerald:
Loyal: 1
Max Dmg: 2
Dodge: 5
Mana: 50
Mana Rgn: 10
HP: 50
Level: 70

healing salve:
Uses: 10
heal: 30-50 (non magical)
Level: 30

superior healing salve:
Uses: 20
heal: 80-150 (non magical)
Level: 70

magmatic spear: 2H sharp
Speed: 2500
Str: 80
Acc: 12
Dmg: 25-65
HitMagic: 8
Crits: 3
MR: 25
Rfir: 15
OnHit: 10% 10-30 damage
Level: 70

So I have made ion stones to increase your stats. Well doing this whole time thinking adding to your stats would actually increased the things depended on them. Well I was wrong! Web is the only one who has gotten them so far and finally did some testing with them and found they don’t do anything but make your stat pretty. So I went thru and added the stuff you would get if you were to raise those stats. Remember this is actually what you get when you train, minus thievery,traps,picklocks, and tracking, the SC is also different it’s been avg out over the classes.

What you get from ion stones:
Strength: 5% Encumberance, +1 Damage
Agility: +2 A/C, +1 Accuracy, +2 Stealth
Intellect: +1 Critical Hit, +6 Perception, +1 Stealth, +2 M/R, +3 S/C
Willpower: +2 Perception, +7 M/R, +3 S/C
Health: +4 Hit Points (per lvl)
Charm: +1 Perception, +2 Stealth, +4 S/C, +1 Critical Hit, +1 Accuracy, +1 Dodge

What you get when you train:
Ability: For every 10 pts added:

Strength: 480 Encumberance, +1 Damage
Agility: +2.5 A/C*, +1 Accuracy, +2.5 Stealth
Intellect: +1 Critical Hit, +6 Perception, +1 Stealth, +1.5 Thievery, +2 Traps, +3 Picklocks, +2 Tracking, +2 M/R, +5 S/C (Mage), +3.5 S/C (Druid), +1.6 S/C (Priest)
Willpower: +2 Perception, +1 Tracking, +7 M/R, +2 S/C (Mage), +3.5 S/C (Druid), +5 S/C (Priest),+2 S/C (Bard)
Health: +4 Hit Points
Charm: +1 Perception, +2.5 Stealth, +1.5 Thievery, +3 Traps, +1 Tracking, +5 S/C (Bard), +1 Critical Hit, +1.2 Accuracy, +1 Dodge

So I forgot to post up the info on this update….

So there is a couple new area’s in this update. And a few new items and bosses. This area has been designed for 100 plus, and huge. There is two ways into this area. First you can access it through north side of blackwood forest(mod 9). You need to go thru an icy tunnel, and does big time cold damage, and drops you off in Many Arrows. The other entrance is from menzo’s front gate*. There is 4 new area’s in this pack, underdark, Mithril Hall, many arrow’s kingdom, and dark arrow keep. This update also allows players to train to 150. There is a trainer to be found in many arrow main area. There is a puzzle to solve that will allow you to get into the new trainer. No boss this time, I was being nice. I also added new ninja gear that is attained by doing a daily quest, in many arrows.

*When we first got access to Menzo you were actually coming through the back side, through their kobolds pens. It was a hole that broke through so we were able to access it. Which is the east side of Menzo, the main gate to Menzo is actually on the west side. And the main gate leads to the underdark.

Banak Brawnanvil:
drops: large platinum chest (upto 2x)
drops: aegis-fang

King Obould:
drops: large platinum chest (upto 2x)

aegis-fang: (2h blunt)
dmg: 38-51
acc: 3
speed: 3200
minlvl: 120
magical: 8
crits: 3
casts: 50% blue lighting: 80-270 dmg

jagged piece of mithril: (1h sharp)
dmg: 17-42
acc: 3
speed: 2300
minlvl: 70
bsacc: 5
bsmindmg: 10
magical: 8
casts: 50% blue lighting: 80-270 dmg

clacker overcloak:
ac: 5

rotheskin overcloak:
ac: 2
dr: 10

starfield overcloak:
ac: 2
dodge: 10

lionskin overcloak:
ac: 2
max dmg: 2

ogre skin cloak:
ac: 4
dr: .5
maxdmg: 5
hprgn: 25
hp: 100
bsmin: 30
bsmax: 40
minlvl: 100

Bigby’s cloak:
ac: 4
dr: .5
mana: 100
manargn: 25
hp: 50
mr: 30
resist elements: 20
minlvl: 100

secondhand cloak:
mana: 50
manargn: 20
hp: 75
resist elements: 20
bsmin: 20
bsmax: 30

ion stone major(type):
+20 to stat of type

orc fur pelt:

white healing feather:
uses: 20
casts: godheal

blue healing feather:
uses: 100
casts: divine breathe (self only)

Erevis Cale’s armour(ninja)
minlvl: 100

ac: 7
dr: .5
acc: 5
dodge: 20

ac: 19
dr: 1.5
acc: 3
hp: 100
perfect stealth

ac: 6
dr: .4
maxdmg: 3

ac: 6
dr: .4
dodge: 5

ac: 7
dr: .9
crits: 6

Spell for full set: (50 rnds)
heal: 2 (2 hps per rnd)
bsmin: 20
bsmax: 20
bsacc: 20

So I finally finished the collectibles update. I also added hein’s cross idea and fixed a few spells. Not a huge update, but I finally finished this so I can now work on something else like a new area. I got stuck on a boring tedious precise process, lots of texts and commands. But it’s done, remember I run low on cool ideas so go post up in the forums your idea’s and most likely I will put it in.

Also I have updated the MME with the latest info, so head over to files to download.

To deal with your collectibles there is two new shops and npc. The shops are 1 south of the bank in town. And then 3 south from the bank is the crafter. And how this works you find items that are 0 enc through out your journeys in the realm. You can take those items to the trinket shop and sell them. Or you can take them to the crafter and have him combine them for a price, he will then give you a more valuable item. You can then take that item to the second floor of the trinket shop and make more money then if you sold the singly. A list below are the items you can find and make with them.

large spider leg:
spider leg brooch

broken blade:
pieced blade

hog tooth:
hog tooth necklace

ogre tooth:
ogre tooth necklace

violet fungus spore:
violet fungus ball

mino horn:
mino horn breastplate

black fungus spore:
black fungus ball

roc feather:
roc feather headress

mermex leg:
mermex leg cape

worm skin:
worm skin tunic

rotting tentacle:
rotting tentacle whip

white golem eye:
golem eye necklace

storm nut:
storm nut necklace

small crystal:
crystal shard

demon tooth:
demon tooth brooch

huge platinum cross:
Offhand (Paladin, Cleric, Priest, & missionary)
AC: 5/1
Acc: 10
ManaRgn: 25
Lvl: 60
Casts: (Mana to cast: 30)
cross of vengeance: 400rnds, roomillu +200,acc+5,maxDmg +2

Sorry meant to post this last night, but got distracted with rumble in this new area. For a 64 miss it was a tad hard never made it to the actual dragons:)

So last couple weeks been working on a new area with dragons. It also comes with new studded leather armour at 60, that’s cross between warchain and the dragon leathers. Need to collect hides to make them. There is also a new area with a new set of worms. I trying a new trick with regen to see if it make’s it easier to run but generate a lot of exp. This area is made for 50-60’s to play in. There is also a new dragon boss. It’s easier then the elder, but harder then huge black. So enjoy.

The good thing about me playing first I made paths to get to it and will be posting it up here.

green crystal worm
blue crystal worm
crystal dragon hatchling
baby crystal dragon
young crystal dragon
adolescent crystal dragon
huge crystal dragon

crystal studded boots:
ac: 6/1
enc: 80
resist : 2 (all elements)
crystal studded leggings:
ac: 9/1
enc: 120
resist: 5 (all elements)
crystal studded tunic:
ac: 25/4
enc: 650
resist: 10 (all elements)
dodge: 5
hp: 20
crystal studded helm:
ac: 8.5/1
enc: 120
crit: 5
sc: 10
resist: 5 (all elements)
crystal studded gauntlets:
ac: 7/1
enc: 120
resist: 5 (all elements)

So tonight I putting in new items, well sorta.  The black mithril plate,drow mesh, and red spider silk items can be upgraded.  You can upgrade them for magic buffs or combat buffs.  And they come with spells depending on which way you upgrade them.  And to upgrade you will have to do a quest to get them upgraded.

Find Khalid in the Obsidian Tower, and ask him upgrade.  Make sure you buy a couple Khalif’s tubes in his tower before you kill the elder red dragon.  You can take up to 3 tubes per character when you kill him.

But he will tell you what you need to know.  Enjoy the new goodies.


Red spider silk:
SC: +20
Mana: +20
Perp: -20

Dodge: +5

SC: +20

ManaRgn: +40%
Mana: 75
Stealth: +30
Acc: +3

Resist all elements: +10

Crits: +6
Mana: +20
Perp: -20
Acc: 5

Dodge: +5
MR: +10
JkDmg: +3
JumpDmg: +3

Acc: +5

Dodge: +20
Hp: +50
Stealth: +10
MaxDmg: +2

Dr: +1

Black mithril plate:
Mr: +20
Stealth: -30
Dodge: -3

Sc: +20
Mana: +20
Perp: +20

Resist all elements: +10
Dodge: -6
Stealth: -5

ManaRgn: +20%
Mana: +50
Stealth: -20
Dodge: -20
Acc: -5

Ac: +5
Stealth: -10
Dodge: -3

Crits: 2
Acc: +5
Perp: +20

Dr: +3
Dodge: -6
Stealth: -5

MaxDmg: +2
Hp: +100
Stealth: -20
Dodge: -20

Drow Mesh:
Sc: +10
Mr: +5

Sc: +20
Mana: +20
Mr: +5

Resists all elements: +10
Dodge: -4
RoomIllu: -5

ManaRgn: +20%
Mana: +50
Mr: +10
Stealth: -10
Dodge: -10
RoomIllu: -10

Acc: +3
Mr: +5

Crits: +6
Acc: +5
Mr: +5

Dr: +2
Dodge: -4
RoomIllu: -5

Hp: +75
MaxDmg: +2
Stealth: -10
Dodge: +15
RoomIllu: -10

And all sets will cast one of two spells:
70 rnds, Hptick: +3 (3 hps per rnd)
70 rnds, HealMana: +1 (1 mana per rnd)

So for a long time now I have been wanting to tone down the dual weapons(dual longswords/double axe). But never think about it when I working on other shit. So today was the day! I ended up killing 1 or 2 damage on the weapon it’s self. But killed 50 off the max of the secondary attack. This will hurt. But there is an upside. When you hit 70 you can go hunt or pay for black ada’s. Which got tweaked also. They got upped a few points of damage, and added 50% cast dark lightning. Cool eh. Wait till you see the cool color I chose for it. Giving you little something look at while attacking.

I also did some tweaking in menzo to make it more doable. I dropped there hps down so easier to kill…not too much easier. But easier. I will also release a new mme file for you guys to have all the tweaks and info for everything in game so far.  Below is the stats and all the goodies.

black adamantite weapons:
40% cast dark lightning
lvl 70: 80-195
lvl 95: 105-270

dual longsword:
second hits:80%
lvl 50:51-130
lvl 75:76-205

double axe:
second hits:75%
lvl 50:51-120
lvl 75:76-195

dark elf commoner:
dark elf warrior:
dark elf guard:
dark elf priestess:

So have a few items that I made a while back, and a few spells I played with. A few changes in spells and one new spell was added. Of course I will display details below. Like the title says it’s a small update nothing major just some small tweaks.


Death touch (changed)
Casts between rnds instead of auto-combat
Mana: 30(25)
Lvl: 20(16)
Lvl 20:15-30
Lvl 30:15-40

Vampiric touch(changed)
Casts between rnds instead of auto-combat
Mana: 15(8)
Lvl: 12(11)
Lvl 12:15-30

Moonleaf suit(Changed)
Fixed the spell level to the proper lvl of the armour

Song of war(Changed)
fixed the healing part of spell

Undead only
Mana: 20
Lvl 25: 60-200
Lvl 50: 85-250


Massive Skull Crusher: Ask aged titan weapon
CastSp: knockdown 25%

large vampire tooth: Ask shadowy healer vampire tooth
MaxDmg: -3
CastSp: slay 1%

Ok so here is the list of items changed.

crimson feather:
hps=25 (from 50)
mithil feather:
manargn=10 (from 60)
hps=10 (none before)
hprgn=10 (from 30)

splinter storm:
lvl=60 (from 47)
mana=25 shot (from 20)

phaerimm hide:
phaerimm hide tunic:
hpregn=30 (from 40)

phaerimm hide leggings:
lost 10% Enc boost
Lost 50 Hp boost

phaerimm hide boots:
Lost 20 Hp boost

phaerimm hide helm:
Lost 6 crit boost
Lost 25 Hp boost

phaerimm hide gauntlets:
Lost 86 speed boost
Lost 25 Hp boost

skull mask:
switched to face

Lost 4 max dmg

ice scepter:
manargn=30 (From 50)

gods hand:
spell=mana rgn 1-20 (From 5-65)

golden chakram:
crits=6 (from 5)
hits=15-40 (from 12-40)

crits=5 (from 6)
Prot evil=10 (from 20)
Prot good=10 (from 20)
Lost 20 Hprgn

eagle eye glasses:
removed magical flag

I have made some new items, called overcloaks.  They are worn all your armour and hide your gear.  They give a desc of your overcloak when you are looked at.  The high-end ones add 1 ac also.

There is black,blue,green,red,yellow, and pink.  For the standard ones they are around 15 gold.  Then the fancy ones are diamond,platinum,peridot, death, and shadow.  Once again these add 1 ac and a cooler desc when looked at. These are 300 plat.

Go check them out and let me know.